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Bacteria and Microbiome Could Reshape Agriculture, Says Startup Indigo

Most Americans have long believed that all bacteria is bad bacteria. The more sterile we can make our homes and our bodies the better.

It’s only within the past decade, as scientists learned about the human microbiome—the term for the universe of 100 trillion or so microorganisms that live in, and on, each of us—that an increasing number of people have realized this is a simplistic view. Those bacteria, for the most part, aren’t bad at all. In fact, they play a massive role in maintaining good health.

It turns out that plants have microbiomes too, and the bacteria there have often been treated the way human bacteria are treated. If Cambridge, Mass.-based startup Indigo has its way, those bacteria will get the respect they deserve—and they could possibly change the face of agriculture. The approach has “huge potential,” says Martin Grube, a professor of plant sciences who studies the microbiome at the University of Graz in Austria.

Indigo利用微生物群提升農作物產量 2016/03/03-涂翠珊/綜合報導

土地及農業資源的競爭日益加劇,農作物產量的提升已成為全球當務之急。過去數十年來農作物產量的提升,多是靠殺蟲劑、除草劑、與化學肥料的使用。來自美國麻州的新創公司Indigo,則希望藉由有益農作物生長的細菌、真菌等微生物,找到一個更理想的解決方法。而其研究成果即將以種子批衣(seed coating)的方式,讓種子外表像披覆著外衣,在市場上銷售。

MIT Technology Review報導指出,利用有益微生物來提升農作物收成的概念,已經出現好一段時間,像是孟山都(Monsanto)、Syngenta等生技業者,都曾推出與微生物相關的種子技術。Indigo公司特別的地方在於,其研究重心放在生長於植物組織內的微生物,而不是植物種植的土壤內的微生物。





Indigo執行長David Perry指出,關於微生物群與作物產量的研究,還處於起步階段。目前科學家取得的知識,可能還不到未來5或10年研究成果的2%。

Source: Bacteria and Microbiome Could Reshape Agriculture, Says Startup Indigo – Fortune