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(原文:Right now, somewhere out in the world is a paragraph, chapter, or book that would change your life forever if you read it. I call this kind of information “breakthrough knowledge,” and mastering the ability to find breakthrough knowledge in our era of information overload is one of the most important skills we can develop.)


…(要)識別潛在的突破性知識其實相當容易。有一個問題,在我閱讀任何媒體或訊息之前,先問自己(作為一個 increditable filter)。我只要問:
這有可能從根本上改變我的生活嗎(Does this have the potential to fundamentally change my life)?

組成「資訊啟示錄(意指資訊大災難)」的四個問題The four problems that make up the Info-Apocalypse are:

  1. Content Shock
  2. Echo Chambers
  3. Constant Distraction
  4. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

這篇文章我匆匆讀過,基本上,他強調要重視 mental model,資訊爆炸的問題是一個古老的問題,自古也一直有解決的方式,解決的方式就是重視 mental model,重視人的思考模式,不要輕易受到狗血的標題引誘、重視多樣性、重視批評,令你不愉快的訊息、要專注,最後,不要害怕錯過訊息。


As groups grow in size, they become less stable and more diverse, eventually fracturing into subgroups. Source: Michael Simmons

One lineage of solutions has been knowledge formats that have a higher value-density


This career skill will change the way you think about reading.

Source: While Everyone Is Distracted By Social Media, Successful People Double Down On An Underrated Skill