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Bacteria and Microbiome Could Reshape Agriculture, Says Startup Indigo

Most Americans have long believed that all bacteria is bad bacteria. The more sterile we can make our homes and our bodies the better.

It’s only within the past decade, as scientists learned about the human microbiome—the term for the universe of 100 trillion or so microorganisms that live in, and on, each of us—that an increasing number of people have realized this is a simplistic view. Those bacteria, for the most part, aren’t bad at all. In fact, they play a massive role in maintaining good health.

It turns out that plants have microbiomes too, and the bacteria there have often been treated the way human bacteria are treated. If Cambridge, Mass.-based startup Indigo has its way, those bacteria will get the respect they deserve—and they could possibly change the face of agriculture. The approach has “huge potential,” says Martin Grube, a professor of plant sciences who studies the microbiome at the University of Graz in Austria.
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註:這份資訊來自於宜蘭 BD 農法讀書會社群的 Thompson 老師。他提到一個順勢療法的概念,也許可以參考(但不保證正確):土地跟人一樣,是一個小宇宙。人體可以透過疫苗來讓免疫系統辨識(recognise)外來的病菌加以抑制;土地透過這樣的雜草液肥,是否也可以喚醒土地的「免疫」系統,產生對抗雜草的機制。這我沒有答案,純粹寫下來。

因為在 1700 海拔的鎮西堡製作,這份配方我會基於資材的取得做些調整(紅字部分):

  1. 準備 200 公升的圓形塑膠桶一支,多樣性雜草 60 公斤,將其切做 2~3 段,晒約 4 個小時後放入桶內,加糖蜜 6 公斤,黃豆粉 2 公斤,森林微生物 2 公升。

青草液肥是將田間雜草及作物殘株,如:田埂雜草、蘆葦、茅草、狼尾草、布袋蓮(壓碎曬乾),筊白筍葉、甘蔗葉、田菁、太陽麻、埃及三葉草等浸泡於水中直接製成,或添加少量油粨類、米糠、黑糖及綜合性有益微生物等,使其發酵製成之天然液體肥料,如能按照自己農場本身雜草來源與作物之需要,酌於調整配製,妥善使用,將可獲得意想不到之效果。Read More »青草液肥的製作與使用~謝慶芳